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November 3 2020 2 03 /11 /November /2020 20:35
Also 2020 in the USA presidental as well as congressional elections take part

Today on 03rd November 2020 there are several important elections in the USA. In addition to a new president, the members of the House of Representatives and a part of the Senators are also elected.
On the occasion of this, I would like to point out some issues and provide some inputs.

First of all I want to reference on my blog article about the elections from 2016 and also 2012.
These are small pieces of documented contemporary-history and reflect my positions, which have changed over time.

Since last election I have become very critical to both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Both have proven to be very strongly attached to the political Establishment.
I am similarly disappointed by Donald Trump as I was by Barack Obama.
Obama has initiated 2 warlike conflicts, against Libya and Syria, but at least he has laudably called off an open war he USA against Syria 2013 at the last moment.
Although Trump did not start a new war, he did continue existing conflicts and even greatly worsened some of them, especially with regard to Iran and the Israel-Palestine conflict.


It is already very clear that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are going to continue their aggressive policy towards China.


Since I have been dealing with the issue of US-presidential-elections, I am bothered that most media reports almost only about the candidates of the 2 major parties-but not about the numerous candidates of the so called 3rd Parties and independents.
This time, the candidates of the Liberals and Greens, Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins, but also the world-famous musician Kanye West, outstand from this candidate-crowd.


A victory of a 3rd party candidate in the presidential election is de-facto impossible, but a decent-result of them could make a difference. In addition, it is very desirable if 3rd party candidates would celebrate success in congressional-elections, as well as at the state and local-level.


1 thing this time is different from all the previous US elections I've witnessed:
The polarization of society and the danger that the losing side does not accept the election result, but escalates the situation, that there are serious riots and at worst even civil war-like conditions.


I hope that moderate civil-society will raise its voice more and that, in the USA as well as in Europe, things are goingt to become less emotionalized but more rational.

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